EFDID: 330663EFD: View Filing

Issuer: Blackstone Life Sciences V L.P. (0001797712) - D

Accession: 0001797712-20-000001 (XMLRaw Data) (EDGAREDGAR Files) (Form DForm D)

EDGAR: Issuer Information
  • CIK:
  • Entity Name:
    Blackstone Life Sciences V L.P.
  • Entity Type:
    Limited Partnership
  • Jurisdiction:
  • Year of Inc:
    Within 5 years (2019)
  • Address:
    NEW YORK, NY 10154
  • Persons:
    Related Persons 10
    N/A N/A Blackstone Life Sciences Associates V L.P.
    General Partner of the Issuer (the "GP")
    N/A N/A BXLS V L.L.C.
    The General Partner of the GP
    Joseph Baratta
    Executive Officer 
    Officer of the General Partner of the GP
    John G. Finley
    Executive Officer 
    Officer of the General Partner of the GP
    Omar Rehman
    Executive Officer 
    Officer of the General Partner of the GP
    Christopher Striano
    Executive Officer 
    Officer of the General Partner of the GP
    Matthew Skurbe
    Executive Officer 
    Officer of the General Partner of the GP
    Robert Liptak
    Executive Officer 
    Officer of the General Partner of the GP
    Nick Galakatos
    Executive Officer 
    Officer of the General Partner of the GP
    Christopher Placca
    Executive Officer 
    Officer of the General Partner of the GP
EDGAR: Offering Information
  • Accession Date:
  • First Sale Date:
  • Offering Amount:
  • Amount Sold:
  • Amount Remaining:
  • Exemptions:
    Section 3(c)(7), Investment Company Act Section 3(c) , Rule 506
  • Security Type(s):
    Pooled Investment Fund
  • Sales Clarification:
    Total offering amount and total amount sold includes the General Partner's commitment as well as sales in parallel funds.
EFD: Current State Notices

Notices found in EFD

Filed:AL, CA, DC, DE, GA, IA, IN, MI, MN, MO, NJ, PA, RI, TX, UT, VA
Inactive:IL, NE, VI
EDGAR: Sales Compensation Recipient Information
RecipientCRDBroker DealerBD CRDStates
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC 149777 None None All States
Compass Group Global Advisors S.A. None None None
Snowbridge Securities LLC 301996 None None All States
Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. None None None
EDGAR: Signatures
IssuerSignatureSigner NameTitleSignatureDate
Blackstone Life Sciences V L.P./s/ Omar RehmanOmar RehmanChief Compliance Officer2020-01-09
Related EDGAR Submissions
Type Edgar Date EFD: Accession
D/A Jul. 09, 2020 330663: 0001797712-20-000004 Blackstone Life Sciences V L.P.
Offer Amount: $4,605,000,000
Amount Sold: $4,605,000,000
D/A May. 13, 2020 330663: 0001797712-20-000003 Blackstone Life Sciences V L.P.
Offer Amount: $4,580,000,000
Amount Sold: $4,202,370,000
Remaining: $377,630,000
D/A Feb. 07, 2020 330663: 0001797712-20-000002 Blackstone Life Sciences V L.P.
Offer Amount: $4,580,000,000
Amount Sold: $3,444,130,000
Remaining: $1,135,870,000
D Jan. 09, 2020 330663: 0001797712-20-000001 Blackstone Life Sciences V L.P.
Offer Amount: $4,580,000,000
Amount Sold: $3,444,130,000
Remaining: $1,135,870,000