EFDID: 518156EFD: Raw Data

Issuer: Hope River Ranch, LLC (0002018046) - D

Accession: 0002018046-24-000001 () (EDGAREDGAR Files) (Form DForm D)

Edgar Posted: Apr. 26, 2024
EFD Posted: Apr. 26, 2024
- < edgarSubmission >
  < schemaVersion > X0708 </ schemaVersion >
  < submissionType > D </ submissionType >
  < testOrLive > LIVE </ testOrLive >
- < primaryIssuer >
  < cik > 0002018046 </ cik >
  < entityName > Hope River Ranch, LLC </ entityName >
- < issuerAddress >
  < street1 > 6496 FAIRVIEW DRIVE </ street1 >
  < city > MORGAN </ city >
  < stateOrCountry > UT </ stateOrCountry >
  < stateOrCountryDescription > UTAH </ stateOrCountryDescription >
  < zipCode > 84050 </ zipCode >
  </ issuerAddress >
  < issuerPhoneNumber > (801) 821-3094 </ issuerPhoneNumber >
  < jurisdictionOfInc > UTAH </ jurisdictionOfInc >
- < issuerPreviousNameList >
  < value > None </ value >
  </ issuerPreviousNameList >
- < edgarPreviousNameList >
  < value > None </ value >
  </ edgarPreviousNameList >
  < entityType > Limited Liability Company </ entityType >
- < yearOfInc >
  < withinFiveYears > true </ withinFiveYears >
  < value > 2023 </ value >
  </ yearOfInc >
  </ primaryIssuer >
- < relatedPersonsList >
- < relatedPersonInfo >
- < relatedPersonName >
  < firstName > Julie </ firstName >
  < lastName > Dee </ lastName >
  </ relatedPersonName >
- < relatedPersonAddress >
  < street1 > 6496 Fairview Drive </ street1 >
  < city > Morgan </ city >
  < stateOrCountry > UT </ stateOrCountry >
  < stateOrCountryDescription > UTAH </ stateOrCountryDescription >
  < zipCode > 84050 </ zipCode >
  </ relatedPersonAddress >
- < relatedPersonRelationshipList >
  < relationship > Executive Officer </ relationship >
  </ relatedPersonRelationshipList >
  < relationshipClarification />
  </ relatedPersonInfo >
- < relatedPersonInfo >
- < relatedPersonName >
  < firstName > Michael </ firstName >
  < lastName > Dee </ lastName >
  </ relatedPersonName >
- < relatedPersonAddress >
  < street1 > 6496 Fairview Drive </ street1 >
  < city > Morgan </ city >
  < stateOrCountry > UT </ stateOrCountry >
  < stateOrCountryDescription > UTAH </ stateOrCountryDescription >
  < zipCode > 84050 </ zipCode >
  </ relatedPersonAddress >
- < relatedPersonRelationshipList >
  < relationship > Executive Officer </ relationship >
  </ relatedPersonRelationshipList >
  < relationshipClarification />
  </ relatedPersonInfo >
  </ relatedPersonsList >
- < offeringData >
- < industryGroup >
  < industryGroupType > Other Health Care </ industryGroupType >
  </ industryGroup >
- < issuerSize >
  < revenueRange > No Revenues </ revenueRange >
  </ issuerSize >
- < federalExemptionsExclusions >
  < item > 06b </ item >
  </ federalExemptionsExclusions >
- < typeOfFiling >
- < newOrAmendment >
  < isAmendment > false </ isAmendment >
  </ newOrAmendment >
- < dateOfFirstSale >
  < value > 2024-04-11 </ value >
  </ dateOfFirstSale >
  </ typeOfFiling >
- < durationOfOffering >
  < moreThanOneYear > false </ moreThanOneYear >
  </ durationOfOffering >
- < typesOfSecuritiesOffered >
  < isEquityType > true </ isEquityType >
  </ typesOfSecuritiesOffered >
- < businessCombinationTransaction >
  < isBusinessCombinationTransaction > false </ isBusinessCombinationTransaction >
  < clarificationOfResponse />
  </ businessCombinationTransaction >
  < minimumInvestmentAccepted > 112500 </ minimumInvestmentAccepted >
  < salesCompensationList />
- < offeringSalesAmounts >
  < totalOfferingAmount > 15675000 </ totalOfferingAmount >
  < totalAmountSold > 15675000 </ totalAmountSold >
  < totalRemaining > 0 </ totalRemaining >
  < clarificationOfResponse />
  </ offeringSalesAmounts >
- < investors >
  < hasNonAccreditedInvestors > false </ hasNonAccreditedInvestors >
  < totalNumberAlreadyInvested > 30 </ totalNumberAlreadyInvested >
  </ investors >
- < salesCommissionsFindersFees >
- < salesCommissions >
  < dollarAmount > 0 </ dollarAmount >
  </ salesCommissions >
- < findersFees >
  < dollarAmount > 0 </ dollarAmount >
  </ findersFees >
  < clarificationOfResponse />
  </ salesCommissionsFindersFees >
- < useOfProceeds >
- < grossProceedsUsed >
  < dollarAmount > 595000 </ dollarAmount >
  </ grossProceedsUsed >
  < clarificationOfResponse > These are estimated costs, fees, and expenses incurred by officers and managers of the Company on behalf of the Company prior to the offering. </ clarificationOfResponse >
  </ useOfProceeds >
- < signatureBlock >
  < authorizedRepresentative > false </ authorizedRepresentative >
- < signature >
  < issuerName > Hope River Ranch, LLC </ issuerName >
  < signatureName > Julie Dee </ signatureName >
  < nameOfSigner > Julie Dee </ nameOfSigner >
  < signatureTitle > Manager </ signatureTitle >
  < signatureDate > 2024-04-26 </ signatureDate >
  </ signature >
  </ signatureBlock >
  </ offeringData >
  </ edgarSubmission >
Edgar Posted: Apr. 26, 2024
EFD Posted: Apr. 26, 2024