EFDID: 518156EFD: View Filing Notices

Issuer: Hope River Ranch, LLC (0002018046) - D

Accession: 0002018046-24-000001 (XMLRaw Data) (EDGAREDGAR Files) (Form DForm D)

Current Filed State Notices

State File Number Notice Date Accession Offering Amount Date of 1st Sale Total # of Investors Amount Sold $ Expires  
AZ 518156-1333806 04/30/2024 0002018046-24-000001 4/17/2024 Never Print
UT B240001 04/30/2024 0002018046-24-000001 Indefinite 4/11/2024 Never Print
WA 80087056 04/30/2024 0002018046-24-000001 4/15/2024 04/30/2025 Print

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